Saturday, January 29, 2005

First Semester not homeschooled!  Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

A thought from C S Lewis

"We have a strange illusion that mere time cancels sin. But mere time does nothing either to the fact or to the guilt of a sin."
--The Problem of Pain

Quote from C S Lewis

"Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done..."
--from a letter "To Mrs. L." (50)

Here is our Oklahoma Snowman by Esther and Elijah Posted by Hello
The Box
by Kate Martin © 2004

God was in the box.
At least, I thought He was.
I found, I could not keep Him there.

I had it all figured out.
He was mean and out to get me.
After all, I was pretty bad you know.
And people always told me so.

He wanted me to suffer, it seemed.
He wanted me to be miserable, it seemed.
You know, when He is in the box, the lid is shut tight.
You never look in to see the light.

As I carried my box around, I was sad
Just knowing life was so hard,
The burdens so great... my box was so heavy,
My box, I carried God in.

Then, one day carrying my box, it was so heavy
I just had to set it down....I had to peek inside
Just to make sure that God was really in there.
When I looked I found He was not there at all.

My box was so full and so heavy, yet God was not there.
He was too big for my little box.

I think this was from Streams in the Desert

I carefully laid every plan;
The future seemed so bright.
My hopes and dreams they towered high--
I saw no trace of night.

And then at closing of the day
I knelt in usual prayer,
And prayed; "Dear Lord, bless every plan--
All that I hope and dare."

But day by day my plans all failed,
My hopes came tumbling down.
All my ambitions disappeared,
And FAILURE was my crown.

Perplexed--I could not understand,
Had I not knelt in prayer?
And asked that every plan and hope
Would find a blessing rare?

Then in the stillness of the night,
Out from the shadows dim,
I heard a sweet persuading voice
That called me close to Him.

"Why don't you let Me make your plans?
I've trod the path before.
Just leave the future in My hands.
I'll lead thee o'er and o'er."

In shame, I bowed my humble head;
My spirit low was brought,
For I had caught a strange new light,
By His own Spirit taught.

No longer do I pray as once,
"Dear Lord, bless all my plans."
But now I pray; "Lord, plan for me,
The future's in Thy hands."

I Believe

I Believe, Help Thou My Unbelief
I take the finite risk of trusting like a child
I believe, Help Thou my unbelief
I walk into the unknown, trusting all the while.

I long so much to feel the warmth
That others seem to know.
But should I never feel a thing,
I claim Him even so.

- Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither. © Gaither Music Company.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Poem by Caleb © 2004

Caleb Posted by Hello

The moon shone brightly in the sky
While wisps of cloud went drifting by
The night was warm and quiet too;
And all the ground was wet with dew
A soft cool breeze passed o'er the land
Caressing the trees with a gentle hand
And in the darkness there I stood
Wrapt about with cloak and hood
To view the beauty of the stars
Away from lights and noise of cars
And as I stood I thought it odd
That many don't believe in God
And say the world began by chance;
That monkeys used to be our aunts
They search for life among the stars
On planets like Venus and Mars
And fail to see with their own eyes
That God's the one who made the skies
"It might be out there" they all say"
Perhaps it's just real far away
"While in the Bible we can read
That Jesus is the one we need
To find; He is the only way
To have eternal life one day

Esther Posted by Hello
Greasy- the cat Posted by Hello
Esther Posted by Hello
Esther Posted by Hello
"The bridge" being built Posted by Hello
Elijah Posted by Hello
Elijah Posted by Hello
Caleb with helpers in the sound booth Posted by Hello
Abi Posted by Hello
The bridges in Applied Technology Class Posted by Hello
Josh's bridge Posted by Hello
Josh's bridge with weight on it!  Posted by Hello
Josh' s bridge with more weight on it!  Posted by Hello
Watching the the kids in the van Posted by Hello
Greasy- the boy cat Posted by Hello
Abi holding Princess Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Lake Thunderbird January Posted by Hello

Friday, January 14, 2005

How true it is:)

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks. - Willie Weiss

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Rainbow from driveway Posted by Hello

I know you can't see him since he is in in camo's but this is Elijah helping Abi play a game on the computer Posted by Hello

The best way to keep your hands clean while making hamburgers---let Greg make them. Posted by Hello

Driving home from Texas Posted by Hello

Deer in back yard Posted by Hello