Sunday, January 23, 2005

Poem by Caleb © 2004

Caleb Posted by Hello

The moon shone brightly in the sky
While wisps of cloud went drifting by
The night was warm and quiet too;
And all the ground was wet with dew
A soft cool breeze passed o'er the land
Caressing the trees with a gentle hand
And in the darkness there I stood
Wrapt about with cloak and hood
To view the beauty of the stars
Away from lights and noise of cars
And as I stood I thought it odd
That many don't believe in God
And say the world began by chance;
That monkeys used to be our aunts
They search for life among the stars
On planets like Venus and Mars
And fail to see with their own eyes
That God's the one who made the skies
"It might be out there" they all say"
Perhaps it's just real far away
"While in the Bible we can read
That Jesus is the one we need
To find; He is the only way
To have eternal life one day


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